It is easy to get lost in the emotional labyrinth of a divorce. Whatever leads to the decision, this is only the end of the marriage but not the end of the relationship. We choose to divorce to have a better life but the process, the decisions we make, the feelings we experience, can easily make our life more difficult and demanding. Divorce Coaching helps finding and executing our best goals.
You have a friend or a family member who seems to be stuck? Someone who needs a change of mindset, a kickstart, a new perspective? Gift them a single 90 minutes long session and a 25% discount on future appointments in case they decide to have more.
When you need that kick, Quick Fix is for you. A series of 5+1 fixed appointments within 2 months: 5 focusing on finding and eliminating the inner/outer obstacles, setting up a plan for the next steps and 1 for follow up.
The times of transitions are demanding. Be a teenager, a young adult or finding yourself in the years of change in a later age, it can be complicated and confusing as if your road would lead through a labyrinth. Finding the way out is easier when we know where we want to go. Under 18 and Students feel free to ask for a discount!